We brought this project to life with:
Surface modeling
2D motion graphics
3D modeling
Video production
3D still images
Project management
With an estimated cost of $120M, one of the Bay of Plenty's largest infrastructure projects is being developed in four stages, with stage four to be completed in 2020.
To conceptualise and bring to life the Baypark to Bayfair upgrade (Bay Link) based on a set of 2D line drawings and urban visuals. To be completed within an extremely tight deadline!
Braincell were commissioned to build and showcase the construction for each of the four stages of the project in 2D and 3D, highlighting traffic flow and minimised impact for commuters.
Not only will the upgrade provide improvements to the SH2/SH29A Te Maunga intersection, SH2 Maunganui Road/Girven Road intersection, and complete the eastern corridor for the Bay of Plenty, it will also ease congestion by separating state highway and local road traffic - improving on the journey time savings - and provide safer walking and cycling connections for pedestrians and cyclists.
To showcase this for the public open day in October and other stakeholder events, Braincell brought the Bay Link upgrade to life, visualising the construction work and traffic flow for each of the four stages.
Using DEM Earth, 3D animation and 2D motion graphics we were able to visually showcase the scale and complexity of the project. Each of the four stages were built and portrayed using 3D maps of the area, accompanied by key 3D animation including new roading, people, cars and vegetation to help bring the project to life. 3D stills of key impact areas were also created to enable viewers to focus on the detail, as well as a 3D render for the proposed overbridge.
““The info days were positive with over 300 people attending (which is good considering it was school holidays!). The animation looked great, and people got a lot out of the A0 sized 3D stills from the animation - they loved pouring over the detail. Thank you for making it happen!””